St Andrews HCI Research Group


SACHI at PerDis'14: What to See

PerDis 2014 - 1This year Aaron Quigley was the program chair for PerDis’14 the 3rd ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark. This year’s symposium extends the two previous successful symposia PerDis’13 in Google, Mountain View, California, USA and PerDis’12 at the University of Minho in Porto, Portugal.
This year we brought together researchers and practitioners from various disciplines with a common interest in the opportunities and challenges raised by the emergence of pervasive display systems as a new communication medium for public and semi-public spaces. The continued emergence of media facades, pervasive displays as art installations, 3D and in-air display, mobile and display networks gives rise to many new innovations and explorations.
Along with his role as program chair and session chair Aaron presented work on CSCT – Computer Supported Cooperative Teaching authored with Adam Buckland. The overall program included 30 papers, 4 posters, 4 demos and 3 videos which have helped lay the foundation for this emerging research community.

SACHI at AVI 2014: What to See

Members of SACHI are presenting a number of papers and other works at this year’s AVI 2014 the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces May 27 – 30, 2014 – Como, Italy.
“Started in Rome in 1992, AVI has become a biannual appointment for a wide international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds. Through more than two decades, the Conference has contributed to the progress of Human-Computer Interaction, offering a forum to present and disseminate new technological results, new paradigms and new visions for interaction and interfaces. AVI 2014 offers a strong scientific program that provides an articulated picture of the most challenging and innovative directions in interface design, technology, and applications. World leading researchers from industry and academia will present their work. 25 different countries are represented in 3 workshops, 32 long papers, 17 short papers, 29 posters, and 14 hands-on demos.”
The schedule below will allow you to see a sample of the Human-Computer Interaction research at the University of St Andrews.

  • Wednesday, 14.00 AVI Posters and Demos
    “An End-User Interface for Behaviour Change Intervention Development”,
    D. Rough and A. Quigley (Univ . of St. Andrews, UK)
  • Thursday May 29, 2014, 8: 45 – 10.30 Paper Session Room A.2.1 Connection and Collaboration
    “Paper vs. Tablets: The Effect of Document Media in Co – located Collaborative Work” [PDF] ( Full Paper)
    J . Haber, S . Carpendale (Univ . of Calgary, Canada); M . Nacenta (Univ . of St. Andrews, UK)
  • Thursday May 29, 2014 11:00 – 12:40 Paper Sessions Room A.3 Evaluation Studies
    “An Evaluation of Dasher with a High – Performance Language Model as a Gaze Communication Method” [PDF] (Full Paper)
    D. Rough, P.O. Kristensson (Univ . of St. Andrews, UK); Keith Vertanen (Monta na Tech, USA)
  • Thursday, 15:15 – 16: 30 AVI 2014 Best Papers presented at Villa Erba, Lake Como
    “AWToolkit: Attention Aware Interface Widgets” [PDF] (Full Paper)
    J. E. Garrido Navarro, V.M. R. Penichet, M. D. Lozano (Univ. de Castilla – La Mancha, Spain); A. Quigley, P. O. Kristensson (Univ . of St. Andrews, UK)  (Best Paper)

Finally, on Friday May 30th Aaron will be the session chair for Interface Metaphors + Social Interaction session at 9am.

SACHI at CHI 2014: What to see

Members of SACHI are presenting a number of papers and other works at this year’s CHI in Toronto, Canada. The schedule below will allow you to see a sample of the Human-Computer Interaction research at University of St Andrews.
Paper (Honourable Mention): Depth Perception with Gaze-contingent Depth of Field
Session: The Third Dimension
When: Monday 11:40-12:00
Where: 718AB
Teaser Video
Interactivity: Text Blaster: A Multi-Player Touchscreen Typing Game
When: Monday 17:30-19:30
Where: Exhibit Hall E
Teaser Video
Paper (Best Paper): RetroDepth: 3D Silhouette Sensing for High-Precision Input On and Above Physical Surfaces
Session: On and Above the Surface
When: Tuesday 11:00-11:20
Where: Exhibit Hall G
Teaser Video
AltCHI Paper: None of a CHInd: Relationship Counselling for HCI and Speech Technology
Session: Limits and Futures
When: Tuesday 11:20-11:40
Where: 717AB
Teaset Video
Paper: Modeling the Perception of User Performance
Session: User Models and Prediction
When: Tusday 14:00-14:20
Where: 801A
Teaser Video
TOCHI Paper: Complementing Text Entry Evaluations with a Composition Task
Session: Text Entry and Evaluation
When: Wednesday 9:40-10:00
Where: Exhibit Hall G
Teaser Video
Paper: Uncertain Text Entry on Mobile Devices
Session: Text Entry and Evaluation
When: Wednesday 10:00-10:20
Where: Exhibit Hall G
Teaser Video
SIG: The Usability of Text Entry Systems Now and in the Future
When: Wednesday 11:00-12:20
Where: 715A
Paper: Quantitative Measurement of Virtual vs. Physical Object Embodiment through Kinesthetic Figural After Effects
Session: Multitouch Interaction
When: Wednesday 14:40-15:00
Where: 718AB
Teaser Video
Aaron Quigley was an associate chair for the Interaction Using Specific Capabilities or Modalities sub-committee and  Per Ola Kristensson was an associate chair for the Interaction Techniques and Devices sub-committee. While Aaron Quigley was a session chair, Jakub Dostal and Michael Mauderer were Student Volunteers throughout the conference.
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Aaron delivers an invited Man to Machine: Health and Technology Seminar

As part of the Man to Machine Health and Technology Series, Professor Aaron Quigley will be giving a talk on “Independent living now and in 2070 –  Information and communications technology and ageing” on April the 14th in Seminar Room 1 of the Medical School (location) from 5.15pm – 6.30pm. Further details of the event are here.
Man to Machine

Digging into Data: Trading Consequences launch

David and Uta with our Palimpsest dataserver

David and Uta with our Palimpsest dataserver

Congratulations to Uta Hinrichs and Aaron Quigley on the launch of their trading consequences project. Trading Consequences charts the commercial growth of the British Empire and it details the economic and environmental impact of shipping valuable commodities such as building materials, tea, fruit and spices. This is the culmination of two years of effort in which eleven million pages of text were processed, resulting in a 150 gigabyte database. People can explore our visualisations, generated from the data, which help to make the historical findings more accessible. Sources included British and Canadian Government documents, newspapers from around the world, books and journals.
AHRCThe project has been led by the University of Edinburgh in collaboration with the Universities of St Andrews and Saskatchewan and York University, Canada. The EDINA national data centre at University of Edinburgh has stored information garnered in the study. The two-year project forms part of Digging into Data, a wider initiative by Jisc, the UK’s digital information body. The work is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, Economic and Social Research Council and the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.
To find out more, please go to:

The digital tourist: HCI and new forms of interaction

Later this month, Aaron Quigley has been invited to present at two conferences on digital tourism. The first is the signature conference of the Scottish Tourism Week in Edinburgh on the 12th of Mar 2014. And the second is a conference on Meeting the needs of the modern visitor, hosted by Interface – The knowledge connection on the 25th of Mar 2014 (see newspaper item).
Each talk will address the question of how to support the interaction between a visitor before, during and after their tourist experience. Some aspects are simply pointers to what we currently have with services and application in desktop or mobile computing. Some parts touch on what is possible with data science and data analytics. An finally, what the future might hold with new forms of human computer interaction which take us away from eyes down mobile interaction with “apps” and instead refocuses us on the world around us.
During these talks Aaron will discuss SMART, LADDIE and Palimpsest (website  | announcement), projects funded under the SFC Horizon (Smart Tourism) and AHRC: Big Data calls.
You can see a video from a similar talk Aaron gave in 2013 with Interface below.

AVID'14 – Advanced visual interface display ecosystems

AVID 2014 logo

In May of 2014 Aaron Quigley of SACHI, Victor M. R. Penichet of the Interactive Systems Everywhere research group (ISE), University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain and Harald Reiterer of the HCI Lab in the University of Konstanz, Germany are organising AVID’14 an AVI 2014 workshop on roadmapping advanced visual interface display ecosystems. Victor and Harald were both visitors to SACHI in 2013 and each has a long track record in display ecosystem research and in leading workshops, symposia, Dagsthul seminars, grants and other activities in the field.
The website for the workshop is: and position papers are due in one month, on March 12th, 2014.

Advanced visual interface display ecosystems are physical environments, rooms or ad-hoc settings for co-located collaborative work that are augmented or supplemented with ubiquitous computing technology. However, there are significant challenges in the research, design, development and deployment of these types of ecosystem. The purpose of this research road-mapping workshop is threefold. Firstly, we will consolidate information, technical details and research directions from the diverse range of academic and industrial projects currently available. Secondly, based on visions of future ecosystems we will identify gaps in the current state of the art. And thirdly, we will identify new areas of research which require funding and support along with new areas for collaboration outside the field.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners who are avid to contribute to and aid in the development of a research roadmap. This roadmap can be used to inform, influence and disseminate ideas to funders, the wider research community and the general public. Based on submitted position papers and existing research it will describe the current baseline of display ecosystems and what research gaps need to be filled to allow us to achieve our research and developments ambitions.

Presenting SpiderEyes at IUI 2014

IUI-2014 logoAt the end of February, Jakub Dostal and Per Ola Kristensson will be attending IUI 2014 in Haifa, Israel.
Jakub will be presenting the full paper SpiderEyes: Designing Attention and Proximity-Aware Collaborative Interfaces for Wall-Sized Displays by Jakub Dostal, Uta Hinrichs, Per Ola Kristensson and Aaron Quigley. This paper introduces the concept of collaborative proxemics: enabling groups of people to col- laboratively use attention- and proximity-aware applications. To help designers create such applications we have developed SpiderEyes: a system and toolkit for designing attention- and proximity-aware collaborative interfaces for wall-sized displays. SpiderEyes is based on low-cost technology and allows accurate markerless attention-aware tracking of multiple people interacting in front of a display in real-time. The paper discusses how this toolkit can be applied to design attention- and proximity-aware collaborative scenarios around large wall-sized displays, and how the information visualisation pipeline can be extended to incorporate proxemic interactions.
You will soon be able to read more about this work on its on designated project page: SpiderEyes.
Jakub is also a Student Volunteer for the conference. Per Ola is a member of the Senior Programme Committee for IUI 2014.

3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays 2014



Building on the success of the 2012 and 2013 events, the 3rd International Symposium on Pervasive Displays (PerDis’14) will be held this June with Aaron Quigley as the program chair. The website is at:
This symposium will take place in Copenhagen in June 2014 and will include a keynote address. In addition to research papers we are also soliciting submissions for posters and demonstrations.
As digital displays become pervasive, they become increasingly prevalent and indeed relevant in many areas, including advertising, art, computing, engineering, entertainment, interaction design, sociology and urban life. We invite submissions that report on cutting-edge research in the broad spectrum of pervasive digital displays, from large interactive walls to wearable displays, from installations to personalised signage or mobile displays to urban visualisation. The symposium on Pervasive Displays welcomes work on all areas pertaining to digital displays including, but not limited to:

  • Applications
  • Content design
  • Evaluations, case studies, deployments and experience reports
  • Interfaces and interaction techniques
  • Novel technologies and new forms of pervasive display
  • System architectures and infrastructure

MobileHCI 2014, ITS 2014, UIST 2014, MobiSys 2014 and AVI 2014

Faculty, postdocs and graduate students from across SACHI are involved with a number of ACM conferences in 2014.

MobileHCI Logo
Aaron Quigley is the general co-chair for MobileHCI 2014 and Daniel Rough is the registration chair. MobileHCI 2014 is the 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. It is the premier forum for innovations in mobile, portable and personal devices and with the services to which they enable access. MobileHCI will be held in Toronto, Canada from September 23-26, 2014.

ITS 2014 Logo

Miguel Nacenta is the program co-chair for ITS 2014. ITS 2014 is the ACM Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces Conference. It is a premiere venue for research in the design and use of new and emerging tabletop and interactive surface technologies. ITS 2014 will be held in Dresden, Germany from November 16-19, 2014.

UIST 2014 logo

Per Ola Kristensson is the demo co-chair for UIST 2014 and Jakub Dostal is the registration chair. UIST 2014 is the 27th ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. It is the premier forum for innovations in human-computer interfaces and brings together people from diverse areas including graphical & web user interfaces, tangible & ubiquitous computing, virtual & augmented reality, multimedia, new input & output devices, and CSCW. UIST will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA from October 5-8, 2014.

MobiSys logo

Tristan Henderson is the workshops co-chair for MobiSys 2014. MobiSys 2014 is the 12th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services. MobiSys 2014 seeks to present innovative and significant research on the design, implementation, usage, and evaluation of mobile computing and wireless systems, applications, and services. MobiSys will be held in Bretton Woods, NH, USA from June 16-19, 2014.

Uta Hinrichs will serve as a program committee member for AVI 2014. AVI 2014 is the 12th edition of the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces. AVI brings together a wide international community of experts with a broad range of backgrounds who share the interest in the investigation, design, development, and evaluation of  innovative interactive solutions. AVI will be held in Como, Italy from May 27-29, 2014.