St Andrews HCI Research Group


Yaxiong Presents Collaborative Work at PETS 2024

Our PhD student, Yaxiong Lei, along with collaborators (Shijing He, Dr. Xiao Zhan, Dr. Ruba Abu-Salma, and Prof Jose Such) from King’s College London and (Dr. Chi Zhang and Dr. Juan Ye) from the University of St. Andrews, presented a research poster titled Privacy Perspectives and Practices of Chinese Smart Home Device Developers at the Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) 2024. This research focuses on the privacy challenges faced by developers in China, highlighting key differences in privacy approaches between Western and non-WEIRD countries.

As part of this effort, Yaxiong and his colleagues explored the balance between legal compliance, user experience, and privacy concerns in the rapidly evolving Chinese smart home industry.

Poster Presentation:



In addition to presenting their research, Yaxiong Lei co-organized HotPETs  Session A with Shijing He at HotPETS 2024, titled Raising Awareness of the Privacy and Safety Challenges Faced by Smart Home Product Teams in Non-WEIRD Countries. This session, held in the Main Room, brought together hundreds of experts to discuss the privacy implications in non-Western contexts, providing valuable insights for future developments in privacy technology.

Session A Details:

  • Date: July 19
  • Time: 10:40–12:00
  • Room: Main Room

HotPETS2024 Presentation:



More info:

  1. PETS2024 program,

Excited to Share Insights from ESLTIS24!

Alongside Dr Angela Miguel, I had the privilege of presenting at the Enhancing Student Learning Through Innovative Scholarship (ESLTIS) Conference, a pioneering platform for educators in UK higher education. We discussed advancing education through technology and enhancing evening degree learning experiences, focusing on the critical issue of digital poverty in the UK.

Here are key insights and tips we shared that apply to educational settings, especially in IT modules and hybrid environments:

💻 Leverage Hybrid Learning: Use the Dimensions of Learning Designs (modified ACAD model by Bülow, M.W., 2022) to balance physical and digital learning spaces, enhancing the learning experience through diverse resources and social interactions. This model includes 🏗 Set Design, which focuses on the learning environment’s technological and spatial arrangements; 📑 Epistemic Design, which involves the activities and tasks presented to students; and 👫 Social Design, which encompasses the social structures and relationships shaping the learning experience.

🤝 Promote Collaborative and Reflective Assignments: Foster collaboration and deeper understanding with group work and reflective elements to assignments to enhance both student and lecturer awareness of the learning journey.

🌍 Integrate Real-Life Contexts: Enhance motivation by allowing students to incorporate their experiences and invite external expertise or guest speakers into learning spaces.

🧠 Engage with Social Issues: Design assignments addressing societal challenges like digital poverty to promote critical thinking and awareness.

I was also thrilled to share with the audience the work I do with Dr Kirsty Ross on the IDEA network, which encourages educators to focus on societal challenges, such as digital poverty, through research and MSc and SH student projects. The enthusiasm for joining the network was truly inspiring! 🌍💡

Please explore more about the IDEA network on our Wiki:

ESLTIS continues to elevate teaching in the research-intensive climate of higher education, and being part of this vibrant forum was truly inspiring. Highly recommended!

Let’s keep pushing the boundaries of education innovation and supporting our students in addressing critical social issues together! 💪

For more details on the talk, please check out our abstract:

📜 Recommended reading: Bülow, M.W. (2022). Designing Synchronous Hybrid Learning Spaces: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Gil, E., Mor, Y., Dimitriadis, Y., Köppe, C. (eds) Hybrid Learning Spaces. Understanding Teaching-Learning Practice. Springer, Cham.

Abd shares his participatory design expertise at the UK System Research Challenges Workshop

Abd is giving a talk about socio-technical change at the UK System Research Challenges Workshop.

Abd recently shared his expertise at the Eighth Annual UK System Research Challenges Workshop with a talk titled “Introducing Socio-technical Change in Large-Scale Systems: A Distributed Participatory Design Approach,” sparking curiosity among attendees.  

Abd, a member of the SACHI community and an HCI and Software Engineering Lecturer [1], emphasises the importance of understanding the experiences of those affected before rushing into solutions. Engaging them from the outset helps avoid costly blunders. As Abd puts it: 

“Co-designing with end-users isn’t just savvy—it’s the name of the game!” 

In his talk at the SRCW24, he emphasised the pivotal role of the discovery stage, stressing the need to actively involve end users in shaping system design. Abd cautioned against the pitfalls of jumping right into implementation and creating redundant systems or solving the wrong problems with the best solutions, advocating for a community-centric approach to innovation that resonates deeply with the ethos of SACHI. 

Drawing from his research and practical experiences, Abd urged the UK Systems Research community to explore innovative approaches that prioritise community needs. By aligning system development with real-world challenges, we can take significant steps forward in addressing critical societal issues like digital poverty [2]. 

Abd is giving a talk about socio-technical change at the UK System Research Challenges Workshop.

Abd is giving a talk about socio-technical change at the UK System Research Challenges Workshop.

Abd’s presentation served as a powerful reminder of the human aspect of system design, a core value shared by the SACHI community. It sparked vibrant discussions on how we can integrate community-led solutions into our research and design processes, ultimately leading to more meaningful and impactful outcomes.

Furthermore, Abd highlighted the benefits of participatory design, emphasising how investing time and resources upfront can lead to better outcomes, fewer redesigns, and cost savings in the long run. This underscores the value of prioritising user needs throughout the design process, aligning with the overarching theme of Abd’s presentation.  

As we reflect on Abd’s insights and experiences, let us continue to embrace a collaborative and user-centred approach to HCI research. By prioritising community needs and engaging in responsible innovation, we can create impactful solutions that address the diverse needs of our communities. 

Abd’s PhD thesis that provides more details on the framework: 

[1] Eighth Annual UK System Research Challenges Workshop 2024: 

[2] UK Parliament’s Communications and Digital Committee Report on Digital Poverty: 

Seminar: Learning Vocabulary in Augmented Reality Supported 10th April 2024

VocabulARy: Learning Vocabulary in Augmented Reality Supported by Keyword Method


The “keyword method” is an effective mnemonic technique for learning vocabulary in a foreign language. It involves creating a mental association between the object the foreign word represents and a word in one’s native language that sounds similar (called the keyword). Learning foreign language vocabulary is enhanced when we encounter words in context. This context can be provided by the place or activity we are engaged with. This talk will present our work “VocabulARy” which enhances the language learning process by providing users with keywords and their visualisations in context using augmented reality (AR).


Maheshya Weerasinghe is a Research Associate in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at the University of Glasgow, School of Computing Science, UK. Her research centres on extended reality and guided learning environments. She obtained her joint PhD in Computer Science at the University of St Andrews, UK, and the University of Primorska, Slovenia (2023).
Before joining the University of Glasgow, Maheshya has engaged in many collaborative research work with the HICUP Lab, University of Primorska, Slovenia; SACHI Lab, University of St Andrews, UK; Mixed Reality Lab, University of Coburg, Germany; IDM Lab, Nara Institute of Science & Technology, Japan; and the Monash University, Malaysia.

More about Maheshya Weerasinghe Arachchillage

Event details:

  • When: 10th April 2024 12:30 – 13:30
  • Where: Jack Cole 1.19


If you’re interested in attending any of the seminars in room 1.19, please email the SACHI seminar coordinator: so they can make appropriate arrangements for the seminar based on the number of attendees.

Seminar:User Language and Perspective in Speech-Based Human-Machine Dialogue 3rd April 2024

Perspective taking, partner models and user language use in speech based human-machine dialogue


Speech based conversational user interfaces (CUIs) such as speech agents are now commonplace. Design is critical in supporting and informing our perceptions of speech agents as dialogue partners (i.e. our partner models), which are commonly used to inform perspective taking in dialogue. My talk will explore how CUI design shapes our beliefs of a machine partner’s abilities, the dimensions relevant to partner models, how partner models are crucial to consider in terms of speech agent interaction, and how this concept can help us begin to explain our language interactions with conversational AI more broadly.


Benjamin R Cowan is Professor of Human-Computer Interaction at University College Dublin’s School of Information & Communication Studies in Ireland. He completed his undergraduate studies in Psychology & Business Studies (2006) as well as his PhD in Usability Engineering (2011) at the University of Edinburgh. His research lies at the juncture between psychology, human-computer interaction and communication systems in investigating how design impacts aspects of user behaviour in social, collaborative and communicative AI interactions.
Prof. Cowan is the co-founder and co-director of the HCI@UCD group, one of the largest HCI research groups in Ireland. He is also Co-Principal investigator in the SFI funded ADAPT Centre, a world leading €90+ million Research Centre on AI driven content technologies, where he leads the Interaction and Control research strand. Prof. Cowan is also the co-founder of the ACM International Conferences Series on Conversational User Interfaces (ACM CUI) and has been heavily involved in the ACM CHI conference, having acted as Associate Chair (AC-2017-2018; 2021) and Subcommittee Chair (SC- 2022 & 2023) of the Understanding People Quantitative Methods Subcommittee.

Event details:

  • When: 3rd April 2024 12:30 – 13:30
  • Where: Jack Cole 1.19


If you’re interested in attending any of the seminars in room 1.19, please email the SACHI seminar coordinator: so they can make appropriate arrangements for the seminar based on the number of attendees.

Seminar: Tangible User Interfaces 13th March 2024

We have 2 presentations on the 13th March focusing on Tangible interfaces by Laura Pruszko and Anna Carter.

Talk 1: Designing for Modularity – a modular approach to physical user interfaces


Designing for Modularity – a modular approach to physical user interfaces by Laura Pruszko
Physical user interfaces, future or history? While some of our old physical UIs get progressively replaced by their graphical counterparts, humans still rely on physicality for eye-free interaction. Shape-changing user interfaces — i.e. physical devices able to change their shape to accommodate the user, the task, or the environment – are often presented as a way to bridge the gap between the physicality of physical user interfaces and the flexibility of graphical user interfaces, but they come with their fair share of challenges. In this presentation, we will talk about these challenges under the specific scope of modular shape-changing interfaces: how do we design for modularity? What is the impact on the user? As these kinds of interfaces are not commonplace in our everyday lives, they introduce novel usability considerations for the HCI community to explore.


Laura Pruszko is a lecturer in the Applied Computer Games department of Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research focuses on interaction with physical user interfaces and modular systems. She obtained her PhD from Grenoble Alpes University in 2023, as part of the multidisciplinary Programmable Matter consortium. This consortium brings together people from different horizons such as artists, entrepreneurs, HCI and robotics researchers, to collaborate towards enabling the long-term vision of Claytronics.

Talk 2: Sense of Place, Cultural Heritage and Civic Engagement


In this presentation, I will provide an overview of my recent work, where I implemented a range of interactive probes, exploring sense of place and cultural heritage within a regenerating city centre. Through these digital multimodal interactions, citizens actively participated in the sharing of cultural heritage, fostering a sense of belonging and nostalgia. Looking ahead, I’ll discuss how these insights inform my ongoing work at the intersection of the Digital Civics project and the Centre for Digital Citizens project. This presentation will not only offer my personal insights but also open the floor for collaborative discussions on integrating these crucial aspects into future embedded research.


Anna Carter is a Research Fellow at Northumbria University she has extensive experience in designing technologies for local council regeneration programs, her work focuses on creating accessible digital experiences in a variety of contexts using human-centred methods and participatory design. She works on building Digital Civics research capacities of early career researchers as part of the EU funded DCitizens Programme and on digital civics, outdoor spaces and sense of place as part of the EPSRC funded Centre for Digital Citizens.

Event details:

  • When: 13th March 2024 12:00 – 14:00. There’ll be cakes and soft drinks from 12 onwards. The talks will be from 12:30 – 13:30
  • Where: Jack Cole 1.33 (Soft drinks and cake provided by F&D)

Visualizing Provenance of Historical Records: Potential & Challenges

Congratulations to Tomas Vancisin presenting his research ‘Provenance in Information Visualization and Digital Humanities’.

Seminar: Rights-driven Development 28th Feb 2024


Alex will discuss a critique of modern software engineering and outline how it systematically produces systems that have negative social consequences. To help counter this trend, he offers the notion of rights-driven development, which puts the concept of a right at the heart of software engineering practices. Alex’s first step to develop rights-driven practices is to introduce a language for rights in software engineering. He provides an overview of the elements such a language must contain and outlines some ideas for developing a domain-specific language that can be integrated with modern software engineering approaches. 


Alex Voss, who’s an Honorary Lecturer here at the school and an external member of our group. Alex was also a Technology Fellow at the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government and an Associate in the Department of Philosophy at Harvard.

Alex holds a PhD in Informatics and works at the intersection of the social sciences and computer science. His current research aims to develop new representations, practices and tools for rights-respecting software engineering. He is also working on the role that theories of causation have in making sense of complex socio-technical systems.

His research interests include: causality in computing, specifically in big data and machine learning applications; human-centric co-realization of technologies; responsible innovation; computing and society; computer-based and computer-aided research methods.

More about Alex:

Event details:

  • When: 28th February 2024 12:30 – 13:30
  • Where: Jack Cole 1.19


If you’re interested in attending any of the seminars in room 1.19, please email the SACHI seminar coordinator: so they can make appropriate arrangements for the seminar based on the number of attendees.

TEI ’24 Entangled Threads Workshop

Sign up for our workshop Exploring the value and significance of bringing a craft ethos to debates around the IoT/connected things

Call for Participation

Join us for a one day workshop to explore how a craft practice and ethos can help us to respond to privacy, trust, bias and the Internet of Things.

“How healthy is the internet?”  As more and more things become internet-connected (i.e. become part of the IoT) questions of trust, privacy, security, data ownership, data bias, and the commercial abuse of data, become ever more pressing. This reflects a recognition of a wider problem with the internet alongside the rapid developments in machine learning (i.e. AI) and how it is being unreflectively ‘put to work’ in an ever-increasing range of applications. This workshop will explore these tensions and concerns through the lens of craft, both as a practice and a conceptual ethos.

Embroidery pieces along with some 3d printed silhouette of people

This studio will use embroidery as a craft-oriented communal/social practice activity to scaffold a discussion framed by our craft ethos characteristics, involving notions of; subjectivity, bespokeness, localism, embodiment, provenance, authenticity, and care-full-ness. Embroidery is an appropriate craft-oriented method which we believe encourages flavors of conversation that are distinct from other forms of participatory workshops. Whilst these activities will likely enable mindful stitching, we are more pointedly using this method as a dialogical activity where the acts of communal stitching will enable us to direct conversation to certain aspects of craft characteristics beyond the literal objects participants are making. Through this embodied making activity, you will create a bespoke embroidered badge based on a set of provocations and take a deep dive into the issues with IoT we have highlighted.

Through making together in small groups, supported by experienced researchers working in the field, we hope to provide an environment for rich discussion and material speculation on alternative visions of ‘healthier’ connected futures. The studio will use the embroidered outcomes as well as a range of predesigned props and design resources to not only discuss entanglements of living well in a digital culture, but also to help us collectively and individually envision stories/scenarios which encapsulates vision/s of an alternative, healthier, digitally connected future. At the conclusion of the workshop we will explore the possibility of setting up a special interest group that takes our thinking forward into the future.

More information and Sign up here

Seminar: Designing for Care in Online Communities

Designing for Care in Online Communities


Join us for an insightful seminar by our recent PhD graduate discussing the intricacies of co-designing for online communities. Abd will present a novel framework stemming out of his PhD project, the Ethnographically-informed Distributed Participatory Design (EDPD) Framework for Sociotechnical Change. This framework offers a holistic approach to co-design, emphasising the importance of understanding online communities’ social dynamics and technological infrastructures. 


Abd is an HCI and Software Engineering Lecturer with a passion for addressing pressing societal issues through sociotechnical systems design. Under the supervision of Alex Voss, Uta Hinrichs, Ian Gent, and Angela Miguel, Abd took on a challenging yet fulfilling journey to explore the complexities of designing for online communities. Currently, he continues to delve into the intersection of technology and society, focusing on digital poverty and open knowledge gaps. Abd’s research aims to bridge the gap between technology and society, enabling a more inclusive and equitable digital landscape. He is particularly interested in bringing researchers closer to communities, fostering collaboration and co-design efforts that empower individuals and promote meaningful social change. 

Event details:

Date: Wednesday, 06/12/2023 

Time: 2:30 PM 

Location: Room 1.19