St Andrews HCI Research Group


Welcome to SACHI seminar

<!–Speaker: Miguel, Tristan, Mark-Jan, Uta and Aaron
Date/Time: 2-3pm Sept 15, 2015
Location: CS1.33a, University of St Andrews–>
This presentation consisted of a series of short HCI mini-talks which presented different areas and approaches to HCI. Students in Computer Science can view our slides here. Others interested in joining our HCI MSc program should visit this page.

Inauguration of the Interaction Lab Space (new home to SACHI)

The Dean of Science cuts the ribbon of our new space.

The Dean of Science cuts the ribbon of our new space.

To celebrate the remodelling of the lab space and our new space sharing with the Virtual Worlds team, we held a reception on Wednesday September 2nd.
Wine, cheese, some good conversation and a ribbon cutting moment by the Dean of Science made for a very interesting late afternoon. Thanks all for coming!
For more information (and pictures) you can visit the corresponding School Blogpost, SACHI and Virtual Worlds new space inauguration..

SACHI team race to victory at go-karting night

This week, the University of St Andrews SACHI team, from its School of Computer Science, had a fantastic evening of go-karting at ScotKart in Dundee on Tuesday, followed by a celebratory dinner at the Duke pub to refuel on awesome burgers.
The SACHI team trophy was appropriately 3D printed by hand by Miguel Nacenta, and is set to become a team heirloom for events to come. On the track, the team demonstrated that their skills in human-machine interaction are just as good as their expertise in human-computer interaction!
SACHI_karting_team MORE

Microsoft Surface Hub award

Microsoft Surface Hub (image courtesy of Microsoft)

Microsoft Surface Hub (image courtesy of Microsoft)

We are pleased to announce that Microsoft Research and Microsoft have selected our Academic Research Request Proposal for the “Intelligent Canvas for Data Analysis and Exploration” as one of ten to award. MORE

LitLong app available on iTunes

We’re delighted to announce the launch of the LitLong iOS app, put together by a team of researchers and literary scholars from the University of St Andrews and University of Edinburgh, including SACHI’s Dr David Harris-Birtill, Dr Uta Hinrichs and Professor Aaron Quigley.
The LitLong:Edinburgh mobile app allows you to use your iOS device to explore Edinburgh’s literary past, and it is free! Download a copy to your iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad to discover how your location has been represented in literature.

Welcome to David Morrison

IMG_0106This week we welcomed another new face to SACHI. David Morrison is a computer programmer, with a strong industry background, originally in the games industry but more recently mobile app development. David was also a technology fellow on the Code for Europe project in 2014.


Welcome to Johannes Lang

johannesLang_SMALLWe are happy to welcome Johannes Lang to the SACHI lab. Johannes comes from Austria and is a typographer and type designer with top-level expertise in the digital aspects of text and type.
He will be working with Miguel Nacenta and Uta Hinrichs in the Infotypography project, funded by EPSRC, and helping further develop the FatFonts research program.
You can take a look at Johannes’ excellent work here in his studio webpage.

July: ACM SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for Specialized Conferences

Congratulations to Professor Aaron Quigley who had been appointed the office holder for the ACM SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for Specialized Conferences by the ACM SIGCHI President Loren Terveen.
Aaron will take over from Philippe Palanque later this month and is looking forward to working with the ACM SIGCHI Executive Committee, Conference Management Committee and ACM staff over the next three years.

New Lecturer: Welcome to Uta Hinrichs


Dr Uta Hinrichs

SACHI and the School of Computer Science in the University of St Andrews are delighted to welcome Dr Uta Hinrichs as a new lecturer. Uta has been a postdoctoral research fellow with SACHI since 2012 and she now co-leads SACHI along with her colleagues. During her time as a post-doc, Uta served on the program committee for CHI 2015 and she was the ACM ITS 2013 and ACM UIST 2013 volunteer co-chair. MORE

Anselm Spoerri, Visualization of Most Controversial Topics in Wikipedia

<!–Speaker: Anselm Spoerri, Rutgers University, USA
Date/Time: 2-3pm August 28, 2015
Location: CS1.33a, University of St Andrews–>
Conflicts occur in the peer-production process of Wikipedia and can culminate in “edit wars” for specific topics. This talk will present visualizations of the similarities and differences between the most controversial topics that have been identified in 10 different language versions of Wikipedia and discuss the dominant and shared themes of the controversies across languages and cultures. In addition, it will present visualizations of the most popular topics over time in the English version of Wikipedia and visually analyze the relationship between most controversial and popular topics. MORE