St Andrews HCI Research Group


Workshop on Considering Technology through a Philosophical Lens

Thursday, May 18 from 10am – 1pm at the School of Computer Science

Technology fundamentally shapes our communication, relationships, and access to information. It also evolves through our interaction with it. Dialoguing across disciplines can facilitate an understanding of these complex and reciprocal relationships and fuel reflection and innovation.
This hands-on, participant-driven and experimental workshop will start a discussion of what can come from considering technology through a philosophical lens. MORE

Event details

  • When: 18th May 2017 10:00 - 13:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a

Workshop @ MobileHCI 2017: Object Recognition

Papers are due for this workshop on May 19th. In this workshop we are interested in object recognition work based on computer vision, radar (e.g. Project Soli by the Google ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects)), acoustic sensing, tagging, smart objects etc. This workshop is on Sept 4th in Vienna, Austria in conjunction with MobileHCI 2017.
Full workshop details can be found here:

Workshop @ DIS 2017: Pedagogy & Physicalization

Pedagogy & Physicalization: Designing Learning Activities around Physical Data Representations
This workshop will be held as part of the DIS 2017 conference, June 10-14, Edinburgh, UK
For complete details please visit:
Call for Participation  
In an age where data and their various representations proliferates many aspects of our professional and private lives, a new form of awareness and visual literacy is required that enables people to decipher, interpret, critically discuss and actively engage in activities around this public and/or personal data and its (visual) representations. Previous case studies have found Physicalization to be a productive way to introduce people of different ages, and with different backgrounds, to activities around data collection, processing, and representation.

ACM SIGCHI: Communication Ambassador & Turing Award Celebration News

Congratulations to Hui-Shyong Yeo, who has been selected as both an ACM SIGCHI communication ambassador and to represent SIGCHI at the ACM 50 Years of the A.M. Turing Award Celebration.
Yeo is a 2nd year PhD student and is particularly interested in exploring and developing novel interaction techniques. Since joining us in SACHI, he has had work accepted at ACM CHI 2016 and CHI 2017, ACM MobileHCI 2016 and 2017 and ACM UIST 2016. His work has featured at Google I/O 2016, locally on STV news and he gave a talk at Google UK in 2016 about his research.  His work has also featured in the media including in Gizmodo, TheVerge, Engadget and TechCrunch., see his personal website for more details. MORE

Professor Andrés Lucero : Co-Designed, Collocated & Playful Mobile Interactions

When: Tuesday 11th April
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Where: Cole 1.33A
Title: Co-Designed, Collocated & Playful Mobile Interactions
Abstract: Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets were originally conceived and have traditionally been utilized for individual use. Research on mobile collocated interactions has explored situations in which collocated users engage in collaborative activities using their mobile devices, thus going from personal/individual toward shared/multiuser experiences and interactions.

Event details

  • When: 11th April 2017 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a

Dr Hagen Lehmann, Italian Institute of Technology: Social interaction characteristics for socially acceptable robots

When: Monday 3rd April 2017, 14:00 – 15:00
Where: Jack Cole 1.33a
Title: Social interaction characteristics for socially acceptable robots
Abstract: The last decade has seen fast advances in Social Robotic Technology. Social Robots start to be successfully used as robot companions and as therapeutic aids. In both of these cases the robots need to be able to interact intuitively and comfortably with their human users in close physical proximity.

Elicitation Interview Technique in InfoVis

Uta Hinrichs, Tevor Hogan, Eva Horneker


Information visualization has become a popular tool to facilitate sense-making, discovery and communication in a large range of professional and casual contexts. However, evaluating visualizations is still a challenge. In particular, we lack techniques to help understand how visualizations are experienced by people. In this paper we discuss the potential of the Elicitation Interview technique to be applied in the context of visualization. The Elicitation Interview is a method for gathering detailed and precise accounts of human experience. We argue that it can be applied to help understand how people experience and interpret visualizations as part of exploration and data analysis processes. We describe the key characteristics of this interview technique and present a study we conducted to exemplify how it can be applied to evaluate data representations. Our study illustrates the types of insights this technique can bring to the fore, for example, evidence for deep interpretation of visual representations and the formation of interpretations and stories beyond the represented data. We discuss general visualization evaluation scenarios where the Elicitation Interview technique may be beneficial and specify what needs to be considered when applying this technique in a visualization context specifically.


Trevor Hogan, Uta Hinrichs, Eva Hornecker. The Elicitation Interview Technique: CapturingPeople’s Experiences of Data Representations. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2016.

Internships: Microsoft Surface Hub Crucible

Last year we were awarded a Microsoft Surface hub and funding by Microsoft Research and Microsoft. This was based on our Academic Research Request Proposal for the “Intelligent Canvas for Data Analysis and Exploration”. We are pleased to announce our Surface Hub Crucible program for the summer of 2017 here in SACHI in the University of St Andrews.

Dr Alice Toniolo, University of St Andrews: An argumentation-based approach to facilitate and improve human reasoning.

Title:  An argumentation-based approach to facilitate and improve human reasoning.
Abstract:  The ability of understanding and reasoning about different alternatives for a decision is fundamental for making informed choices. Intelligent autonomous systems have the potential to improve the quality of human-decision making but the use of such systems may be hampered by human difficulties to interact and trust their outputs.

Dr Wendy Moncur, University of Dundee: The design of digital technologies to support transitional events in the human lifespan

Title:  The design of digital technologies to support transitional events in the human lifespan
Abstract:  This talk will focus on (i) qualitative research undertaken to understand how digital technologies are being used during transitional periods across the human lifespan, such as becoming an adult, romantic breakup, and end of life, and (ii) the opportunities for technology design that have emerged as a result. Areas of focus include presentation of self online, group social norms, and the problematic nature of ‘ownership’ of digital materials.