St Andrews HCI Research Group


Dr Mike Hazas, Lancaster University: Internet services, energy demand and everyday life

When: Tuesday 30th May, 14:00 to 15:00
Where: Jack Cole room 1.33A
Title:  Internet services, energy demand and everyday life
Abstract:  Over the last decade, the growth in data traffic across the Internet has been dramatic, and forecasts predict a similar ongoing pattern. Since this is associated with remarkable electricity consumption (about 10% globally, and rising), such a trend is significant to efforts to reduce carbon emissions.  This calls for careful attention to the nature of these trends, as levels of Internet electricity demand become ever more directly and explicitly problematic.  Based on a host of prior literature and two field studies, this talk explores what we know about the energy intensity of digital stuff, and the growth of Internet traffic.  It considers how such traffic can be attributed to different Internet services like video streaming or social networking, and how these link to everyday practices which draw upon and generate data online.
Biography:  Dr Mike Hazas is a Senior Lecturer at Lancaster University, who works at the confluence of human-computer interaction and social science. His research combines qualitative and quantitative methods to understand everyday practices and technologies, how they can be related to carbon emissions and energy demand, and more sustainable trajectories. Mike co-directs the multidisciplinary Socio-Digital Sustainability group at Lancaster, and has served as a chair of the CHI Specific Application Areas subcommittee for the last three years.  Mike is a co-investigator in the DEMAND Centre (EPSRC, 2013-2018) which is concerned with the relationship of social practices and energy demand.

Professor Andrés Lucero : Co-Designed, Collocated & Playful Mobile Interactions

When: Tuesday 11th April
Time: 14:00 – 15:00
Where: Cole 1.33A
Title: Co-Designed, Collocated & Playful Mobile Interactions
Abstract: Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets were originally conceived and have traditionally been utilized for individual use. Research on mobile collocated interactions has explored situations in which collocated users engage in collaborative activities using their mobile devices, thus going from personal/individual toward shared/multiuser experiences and interactions.

Event details

  • When: 11th April 2017 14:00 - 15:00
  • Where: Cole 1.33a

Dr Hagen Lehmann, Italian Institute of Technology: Social interaction characteristics for socially acceptable robots

When: Monday 3rd April 2017, 14:00 – 15:00
Where: Jack Cole 1.33a
Title: Social interaction characteristics for socially acceptable robots
Abstract: The last decade has seen fast advances in Social Robotic Technology. Social Robots start to be successfully used as robot companions and as therapeutic aids. In both of these cases the robots need to be able to interact intuitively and comfortably with their human users in close physical proximity.

Dr Alice Toniolo, University of St Andrews: An argumentation-based approach to facilitate and improve human reasoning.

Title:  An argumentation-based approach to facilitate and improve human reasoning.
Abstract:  The ability of understanding and reasoning about different alternatives for a decision is fundamental for making informed choices. Intelligent autonomous systems have the potential to improve the quality of human-decision making but the use of such systems may be hampered by human difficulties to interact and trust their outputs.

Dr Wendy Moncur, University of Dundee: The design of digital technologies to support transitional events in the human lifespan

Title:  The design of digital technologies to support transitional events in the human lifespan
Abstract:  This talk will focus on (i) qualitative research undertaken to understand how digital technologies are being used during transitional periods across the human lifespan, such as becoming an adult, romantic breakup, and end of life, and (ii) the opportunities for technology design that have emerged as a result. Areas of focus include presentation of self online, group social norms, and the problematic nature of ‘ownership’ of digital materials.

Dr Luigina Ciolfi, Sheffield Hallam University: The Collaborative Design of Tangible Interactions in Museums

Title:  The Collaborative Design of Tangible Interactions in Museums
Abstract:  Interactive technology for cultural heritage has long been a subject of study for Human-Computer Interaction. Findings from a number of studies suggest that, however, technology can sometime distance visitors from heritage holdings rather than enabling people to establish deeper connections to what they see. Furthermore, the introduction of innovative interactive installations in museum is often seen as an interesting novelty but seldom leads to substantive change in how a museum approaches visitor engagement. This talk will discuss work on the EU project “meSch” (Material EncounterS with Digital Cultural Heritage) aimed at creating a do-it-yourself platform for cultural heritage professionals to design interactive tangible computing installations that bridge the gap between digital content and the materiality of museum objects and exhibits. The project has adopted a collaborative design approach throughout, involving cultural heritage professionals, designers, developers and social scientist. The talk will feature key examples of how collaboration unfolded and relevant lessons learned, particularly regarding the shared envisioning of tangible interaction concepts at a variety of heritage sites including archaeology and art museums, hands-on exploration centres and outdoor historical sites.
Biography:  Dr. Luigina Ciolfi is Reader in Communication at Sheffield Hallam University. She holds a Laurea (Univ. of Siena, Italy) and a PhD (Univ. of Limerick, Ireland) in Human-Computer Interaction. Her research focuses on understanding and designing for human situated practices mediated by technology in both work and leisure settings, particularly focusing on participation and collaboration in design. She has worked on numerous international research projects on heritage technologies, nomadic work and interaction in public spaces. She is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed publications, has been an invited speaker in ten countries, and has advised on research policy around digital technologies and cultural heritage for several European countries. Dr. Ciolfi serves in a number of scientific committees for international conferences and journals, including ACM CHI, ACM CSCW, ACM GROUP, ECSCW, COOP and the CSCW Journal. She is a member of the EUSSET (The European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies) and of the ACM CSCW Steering Groups.  Dr. Ciolfi is a senior member of the ACM. Full information on her work can be found at

Professor Roderick Murray Smith, University of Glasgow: Control Theoretical Models of Pointing

Title: Control Theoretical Models of Pointing
Speaker: Rod Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow
Abstract: I will talk about two topics:
1. (Joint work with Jörg Müller & Antti Oulasvirta) I will present an empirical comparison of four models from manual control theory on their ability to model targetting behaviour by human users using a mouse: McRuer’s Crossover, Costello’s Surge, second-order lag (2OL), and the Bang-bang model. Such dynamic models are generative, estimating not only movement time, but also pointer position, velocity, and acceleration on a moment-to-moment basis. We describe an experimental framework for acquiring pointing actions and automatically fitting the parameters of mathematical models to the empirical data. We present the use of time-series, phase space and Hooke plot visualisations of the experimental data, to gain insight into human pointing dynamics. We find that the identified control models can generate a range of dynamic behaviours that captures aspects of human pointing behaviour to varying degrees. Conditions with a low index of difficulty (ID) showed poorer fit because their unconstrained nature leads naturally to more dynamic variability. We report on characteristics of human surge behaviour in pointing. We describe trade-offs among the models. We conclude that control theory offers a promising complement to Fitts’ law based approaches in HCI, with models providing representations and predictions of human pointing dynamics which can improve our understanding of pointing and inform design.
2. Casual control. How and why we can design systems to work at a range of levels of engagement.
Biography: Roderick Murray-Smith is a Professor of Computing Science at Glasgow University, in the “Inference, Dynamics and Interaction” research group and the Head of the Information, Data and Analysis Section. He works in the overlap between machine learning, interaction design and control theory. In recent years his research has included multimodal sensor-based interaction with mobile devices, mobile spatial interaction, Brain-Computer interaction and nonparametric machine learning. Prior to this he held positions at the Hamilton Institute, NUIM, Technical University of Denmark, M.I.T., and Daimler-Benz Research, Berlin, and was the Director of SICSA, the Scottish Informatics and Computing Science Alliance. He works closely with the mobile phone industry, having worked together with Nokia, Samsung, FT/Orange, Microsoft and Bang & Olufsen. He was a member of Nokia’s Scientific Advisory Board and is a member of the Scientific Advisory Board for the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Computational Inference Research. He has co-authored three edited volumes, 22 journal papers, 16 book chapters, and 88 conference papers.

Dr Rebecca Fiebrink, Goldsmiths University of London: Designing Real-time Interactions Using Machine Learning

Title: Designing Real-time Interactions Using Machine Learning
Abstract: Supervised learning algorithms can be understood not only as a set of techniques for building accurate models of data, but also as design tools that can enable rapid prototyping, iterative refinement, and embodied engagement— all activities that are crucial in the design of new musical instruments and other embodied interactions. Realising the creative potential of these algorithms requires a rethinking of the interfaces through which people provide data and build models, providing for tight interaction-feedback loops and efficient mechanisms for people to steer and explore algorithm behaviours.
In this talk, I will discuss my research on better enabling composers, musicians, and developers to employ supervised learning in the design of new real-time systems. I will show a live demo of tools that I have created for this purpose, centering around the Wekinator software toolkit for interactive machine learning. I’ll discuss some of the outcomes from 7 years of creating machine learning-based tools and observing people using these tools in creative contexts. These outcomes include a better understanding how machine learning can be used as a tool for design by end users and developers, and how using machine learning as a design tool differs from more conventional application contexts.
Biography: Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink is a Lecturer at Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research focuses on designing new ways for humans to interact with computers in creative practice, including on the use of machine learning as a creative tool. Fiebrink is the developer of the Wekinator system for real-time interactive machine learning (with a new version just released in 2015!), a co-creator of the Digital Fauvel platform for interactive musicology, and a Co-I on the £1.6M Horizon 2020-funded RAPID-MIX project on Real-time Adaptive Prototyping for Industrial Design of Multimodal Expressive Technology. She is the creator of a MOOC titled “Machine Learning for Artists and Musicians,” which launched in 2016 on the Kadenze platform. She was previously an Assistant Professor at Princeton University, where she co-directed the Princeton Laptop Orchestra. She has worked with companies including Microsoft Research, Sun Microsystems Research Labs, Imagine Research, and Smule, where she helped to build the #1 iTunes app “I am T-Pain.” She holds a PhD in Computer Science from Princeton University.

Dr Trevor Hogan, Cork Institute of Technology: Data and Dasein – A Phenomenology of Human-Data Relations.

Title: Data and Dasein – A Phenomenology of Human-Data
Abstract: In contemporary society, data representation
is an important and essential part of many aspects of our daily lives.
In this talk Trevor will present how his doctoral research has
contributed to our understanding on how people experience data and what
role representational modality plays in the process of perception and
interpretation. This research is grounded in phenomenology – he aligns
his theoretical exploration to ideas and concepts from philosophical
phenomenology, while also respecting the essence of a phenomenological
approach in his choice and application of methods. Alongside offering a
rich description of people’s experience of data representation, the key
contributions of his research transcend four areas: theory, methods,
design, and empirical findings. From a theoretical perspective, besides
describing a phenomenology of human-data relations, he has defined, for
the first time, multisensory data representation and established a
design space for the study of this class of representation. In relation
to methodologies, he will describe how he deployed two elicitation
methods to investigate different aspects of data experience. He blends
the Repertory Grid technique with a focus group session and shows how
this adaption can be used to elicit rich design relevant insight. He
will also introduce the Elicitation Interview technique as a method for
gathering detailed and precise accounts of human experience.
Furthermore, he will describe how this technique can be used to elicit
accounts of experience with data. In his talk Trevor will present the
findings of a series of empirical studies, these show, for instance, how
certain representational modalities cause us to have heightened
awareness of our body, some are more difficult to interpret than others,
some rely heavily on instinct and each of them solicit us to reference
external events during the process of Interpretation.
Biography: Trevor Hogan is a Lecturer of Interaction
Design at the Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland. The aim of his
research is to describe and better understand how embodiment influences
and augments people’s experience of data representations. His work is
strongly interdisciplinary and may be situated in the field of
interactive design, but at the intersection of tangible computing,
human-computer interaction, information visualization and psychology. At
CIT Trevor leads the Human-Data Interaction Group, a multidisciplinary
research team, whose aim is explore novel ways of representing data –
through and beyond the visual modality. This group is also focused on
exploring methods and approaches that broaden the evaluation criteria of
data representation – beyond traditional measurements, such as
efficiency and effectiveness, towards novel aspects such as experience,
use qualities, hedonics, affect, empathy, and enchantment.

Professor Chris Reed, University of Dundee: Argument Technology and Argument Mining


Title: Argument Technology and Argument Mining

Abstract: Argument Technology is that part of the overlap between theories of argumentation and reasoning and those of AI where an engineering focus leads to applications and tools that are deployed. One significant step in the past decade has been the development of the Argument Web — the idea that many of these tools can interact using common infrastructure, with benefits to academic, commercial and public user groups. More recently, there has been a move towards linguistic aspects of argument, with NLP techniques facilitating the development of the field of Argument Mining. Drawing on the academic success and commercial uptake of techniques such as opinion mining and sentiment analysis, argument mining seeks to build on systems which use data mining to summarise *what* people think by explaining also *why* they hold the opinions they do.

Biography: Chris Reed is Professor of Computer Science and Philosophy at the University of Dundee in Scotland, where he heads the Centre for Argument Technology. Chris has been working at the overlap between argumentation theory and artificial intelligence for over twenty years, has won over £5.6m of funding from RCUK, government and commercial sources and has over 150 peer-reviewed papers in the area including five books. He has also been instrumental in the development of the Argument Interchange Format, an international standard for computational work in the area; he is spear-heading the major engineering effort behind the Argument Web; and he was a founding editor of the Journal of Argument & Computation.