St Andrews HCI Research Group


Oct 2018

SACHI members to attend womENcourage '18, IEEE VL/HCC '18, ACM UbiComp '18, ACM UIST '18, ISMAR '18 and IEEE VIS '18 this month.

This month nine different members of SACHI will be travelling to Belgrade, Lisbon, Singapore, Berlin and Munich to attend womENcourage ’18, VL/HCC ’18, UbiComp 2018, UIST 2018, ISMAR 2018 and IEEE VIS 2018.

womENcourage ’18

At the start of October Maheshya and Adrianna will attend womENcourage ’18 in Belgrade. Adrianna is posters co-chair in 2018 and serves on the steering committee for this conference series. Maheshya will present two posters on “Novel Technologies in Teaching and Learning towards Enhanced Knowledge Retention” Maheshya Weerasinghe, Matjaž Kljun, Klen Čopič Pucihar and Aaron Quigley and “An Active Video Game Based Lower Limb Rehabilitation Approach to Assist Children with Cerebral Palsy” Maheshya Weerasinghe. Adrianna is involved with a further two posters on “Self-Flip: How Learning through Making Can Flip the Classroom” Anna Vasilchenko and Adriana Wilde and the “Impact of Design Decisions in Information Visualization: two takes on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites dataset” Paulina Busch, Eszter Kocsis and Adriana Wilde.

VL/HCC ’18

From Oct 1st Daniel will be in Lisbon to present two papers. First, a paper “Towards end-user development for chronic disease management” Rough, DJ & Quigley, AJ 2018, in Designing Technologies to Support Human Problem Solving: A Workshop in Conjunction with VL/HCC 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, Oct. 1, 2018. After this Daniel is presenting a full paper entitled “End-user development in social psychology research: factors for adoption.” Rough, DJ & Quigley, AJ 2018, at the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC 2018). in Lisbon, Portugal.

Ubicomp and ISWC ’18

From October 7th, Aaron and Tristan will be attending Ubicomp 2018 in Singapore. Tristan will present “How portable is portable? Exercising the GDPR’s Right to Data Portability” Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Legal and Technical Issues in Cloud and Pervasive Computing (CLaw 2018) collocated with Ubicomp. While Aaron will give a talk on “Becoming a Volunteer at ACM SIGCHI and SIGMOBILE”, register here.

UIST ’18

From October 14th, Aaron, Yeo and Mario will be attending UIST 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Yeo will participate in the Doctoral Symposium and present his PhD work on “Enabling Single-Handed Interaction in Mobile and Wearable Computing”. Yeo is also the publicity co-chairs for UIST this year. He is responsible for sending CFP to mailing list, posting updates to social media channel such as Twitter and Facebook page. If you received too many spams about UIST, you know who to find… At UIST, Aaron will also give a talk on Volunteering for SIGCHI. While Mario will attend the HCI ambassador program at UIST. The HCI ambassadors programm is an interesting SIGCHI initiative aimed to reach and ultimately include those communities still underrepresented at HCI conferences by discussing ideas on how to extend their impact both at home and well as to the whole SIGCHI international community.


From October 16th, Aaron and later Yeo will also attend ISMAR 2018 in Munich, Germany. They have a demonstration there: “SWAG: Smartwatch Assisted Gesture for Mixed Reality Interaction”. This work is in collaboration with UVR lab in KAIST. In addition, Aaron is a panelist on “Challenges and opportunities for multimodal, interactive VR and AR” at 2nd International Workshop on Multimodal Virtual and Augmented Reality (MVAR 2018) In conjunction with IEEE ISMAR 2018.


From October 21 – 26, Fearn and Uta will attend IEEE VIS 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Fearn will participate in the Doctoral Colloquium and present her PhD work on “Investigating Information Visualization with Children”. Uta is co-organizing two workshops, the 3rd Workshop on Visualization for the Humanities (VIS4DH)  and Toward a Design Language for Data Physicalization.