Aaron will be a keynote speaker at the IEEE VISSOFT 2018 conference later this year. “The sixth IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT 2018) builds upon the success of the previous four editions of VISSOFT, which in turn followed after six editions of the IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis (VISSOFT) and five editions of the ACM Symposium on Software Visualization (SOFTVIS). Software visualization is a broad research area encompassing concepts, methods, tools, and techniques that assist in a range of software engineering and software development activities. Covered aspects include the development and evaluation of approaches for visually analyzing software and software systems, including their structure, execution behavior, and evolution.”
The University of St Andrews and Primorska are soon to agree to award a joint degree with the title of Doctor of Philosophy (on condition that the joint PhD study programme in Computer Science will gain accreditation of the Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education). This represents the culmination of many months of effort from Drs Matjaž Kljun, Klen Čopič Pucihar and Professor Aaron Quigley. Aaron and Matjaž first met at the UMAP conference in 2011 in Spain as mentor and mentee in the PhD doctoral program. Since then, Matjaž and Klen who undertook their PhDs in the University of Lancaster have returned to Slovenia to establish and exciting program of HCI research and development in the HICUP lab. In 2017 a program of international support (Slovenian/English) allowed them to invite Aaron to Slovenia for three weeks and this has resulted in a number of join grant submissions and the establishment of this co-tutelle program. We look forward to many years collaborating and we look forward to this new PhD student starting later this year.
Media articles relating to research, developments and spin-outs from SACHI.
- This smartphone app plays smooth jazz when you put it on the sofa TechRadar 5 Sep 2017
- 文字入力の方法を再発明。ボールを転がして文字を選んでタップ、片手での操作が簡単に Gizmodo Japan 29 March 2017
- Tilt gesture keyboard could hold promise for typing in VR TechCrunch 17 Mar 2017
- SWiM: an evolution in one-handed texting The Scotsman 17 March
- Why Don’t More UIs Use Accelerometers? Fast Co.Design 11 March 2017
University Press Releases
The iVoLVER system (iVoLVER.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk), created by Gonzalo Méndez and Miguel Nacenta from the SACHI group at the School of Computer Science, University of St Andrews, received on Thursday 19 the ACM ISS Best Demo Jury Award during the conference, which took place at Brighton, UK.
iVoLVER is a web-based visual programming environment that enables anyone to transform visualizations that the find in-the-wild (e.g., in a poster or a newspaper) into new visualizations that are more useful for them.
The ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces conference takes place yearly in different locations. Next year it will take place in Tokyo, Japan. The conference is a premier venue for work that studies how people interact in smart spaces and surfaces and how to design and engineering solutions for novel interfaces.
Gala who undertook her honours project in SACHI has been awarded the Young Software Engineer of the Year 2017 by ScotlandIS.
Uta Hinrichs is currently representing SACHI at the IEEE VIS conference in Phoenix, Arizona. If you are at IEEE VIS this week, too, come and say “hi” (look for the pink hair) and hear about the cool visualization work happening at SACHI. Find some of the activities Uta is involved in at the conference below, including the VIS4DH workshop, a tutorial on Analyzing Qualitative Data, and a Panel on Reflection on Reflection in Design Studies.
- This smartphone app plays smooth jazz when you put it on the sofa TechRadar 5 Sep 2017
- New app could make your phone learn its exact location ETTelecom.com 5 Sep 2017
- You might never have to search for your phone again thanks to SpeCam Android Authority (blog) 7 Sep 2017
See: Full Project PageCitation:
SpeCam: sensing surface color and material with the front-facing camera of a mobile device.
Hui-Shyong Yeo, Juyoung Lee, Andrea Bianchi, David Harris-Birtill, and Aaron Quigley. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 25, 9 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3098279.3098541
Members of SACHI will be at the upcoming MobileHCI’17 Conference in Vienna Austria.
If you are looking to meet members of SACHI to discuss collaborations or research visits you can find us here. Likewise, if you are a company attending MobileHCI and you wish to discuss working with us please get in touch. You can find us helping and involved throughout MobileHCI 2017 with the presentation of 3 papers including 1 paper (honorable mention), 2 workshop papers, organizing a workshop and other activities throughout the conference.
The ACM SIGCHI conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17) is in full swing in Edinburgh, with a strong presence of SACHI research, especially in the area of Data Physicalization! Check out our related pictorial, full paper, workshop and workshop paper:
Trevor Hogan, Uta Hinrichs and Eva Hornecker. The Visual and Beyond: Characterizing Experiences with Auditory, Haptic and Visual Data Representations. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17), pp. 797-809, 2017.
Samuel Huron, Pauline Gourlet, Uta Hinrichs, Trevor Hogan and Yvonne Jansen. Let’s Get Physical: Promoting Data Physicalization in Workshop Formats. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17), pp. 1409-1422, 2017.
Fearn Bishop and Uta Hinrichs. Challenges of Running Constructive Visualization Studies with Children. In DIS’17 workshop on Pedagogy & Physicalization: Designing Learning Activities around Physical Data Representations.
Trevor Hogan, Uta Hinrichs, Yvonne Jansen, Samuel Huron, Pauline Gourlet, Eva Hornecker and Bettina Nissen. Pedagogy & Physicalization: Designing Learning Activities around Physical Data Representations. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (DIS’17), 2017. http://dataphys.org/workshops/dis17/.
University of St Andrews: SWiM: an evolution in one-handed texting
TechCrunch: Tilt gesture keyboard could hold promise for typing in VR
Fast Co.Design: Why Don’t More UIs Use Accelerometers?
prosthetic knowledge: SWiM: Shape Writing in Motion
NewAtlas: Researchers create an app that makes you tilt and roll to type
The Scotsman: SWiM: an evolution in one-handed texting
Fife Today: Could this be the future of phone messaging?
Gizmodo Japan: 文字入力の方法を再発明。ボールを転がして文字を選んでタップ、片手での操作が簡単に
Engadet De: SWiM: Tippen durch Wackeln
Tweakers: Onderzoekers ontwikkelen typmethode die werkt met kantelbewegingen
Hi-News.ru: В Шотландии придумали принципиально новый способ ввода текста
Naked Science: Исследователи разработали новый способ ввода текста на мобильных устройствах
Sohu: 通过手势倾斜打字,有望成为VR输入方式之一
MobileGeeks: SWiM: Neue Tastatur-Eingabemethode für Einhandbedienung und VR
MacLife: SWiM: Das dürfte die Zukunft der Keyboards sein
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