St Andrews HCI Research Group


Jan 2012

Two Smart Tourism Grants

Congratulations to Miguel Nacenta, Aaron Quigley and colleagues from ADS and Historic Scotland who have been awarded a Smart Tourism Grant named LADDIE or Large Augmented Digital Displays for Interactive Experiences of Historic Sites. LADDIE is an interactive display with spatially connected and temporally situated content for visitors. In this project we build on our research and industrial experience with situated, public, multi-touch, adaptive and augmented reality user interfaces. LADDIE provides layered accessible interpretation while at the same time gathering richer information on visits, interests and visitor intent.
Congratulations also to Aaron Quigley and colleagues from MUSA in St Andrews and Interface3 who have been awarded a Smart Tourism Grant named SMART or Scotland’s Museums Augmented Reality Tourism. The Museum of the University of St Andrews(MUSA) opened in October 2008. MUSA puts on display to the public hundreds of the finest treasures from the University’s collection of over 112,300 artifacts. However, do to space limits what you can see during a visit to the museum is less than 1% of their collection. This is commonplace in Museums which have more artefacts than space to display everything. Consider the National Museums of Scotland (NMS) which displays 8,000 historical artifacts out of an entire collection of over 4 million objects or the thousands of objects from the Smithsonian Collection on display out of 136,000,000 objects! SMART provides a new and novel interface to museum content which might be out of sight but not out of access.