St Andrews HCI Research Group


Mar 2011

Congratulations to Per Ola on being selected to join the Scottish Crucible programme

Scottish Crucible

Per Ola Kristensson who is arriving to St Andrews today and joins us next week has been selected for the Scottish Crucible 2011 Personal and Professional Leadership and Development programme. The programme is sponsored by the Royal Society of Edinburgh, the Scottish Funding Council and the National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts (NESTA). “The scheme enables 30 talented researchers from a variety of disciplines to come together to explore and expand their creative capacity and problem-solving potential. As well as its personal impact, NESTA’s Crucible programme has led to numerous interdisciplinary collaborations for its participants and has established itself as an innovative way of empowering researchers and adding value to their institutions.” Our congratulations to Per Ola on a great start here with SACHI.