Recent publications by group members.
- Sturdee, M 2025, 'A step toward formalising visual data analysis practices in human computer interaction', Interacting with Computers, vol. Advance articles, iwae063.
- Lei, Y, Wang, Y, Buchanan, F, Zhao, M, Sugano, Y, He, S, Khamis, M & Ye, J 2025 'Quantifying the impact of motion on 2D gaze estimation in real-world mobile interactions' arXiv, pp. 1-27. <>
- Lei, Y, He, S, Khamis, M & Ye, J 2024, 'An end-to-end review of gaze estimation and its interactive applications on handheld mobile devices', ACM Computing Surveys, vol. 56, no. 2, 34.
- Mohammadi, M, Fell, C, Morrison, D, Syed, S, Konanahalli, P, Bell, S, Bryson, G, Arandjelović, O, Harrison, DJ & Harris-Birtill, D 2024, 'Automated reporting of cervical biopsies using artificial intelligence', PLOS Digital Health, vol. 3, no. 4, e0000381.
- Bach, B, Keck, M, Rajabiyazdi, F, Losev, T, Meirelles, I, Dykes, J, Laramee, RS, AlKadi, M, Stoiber, C, Huron, S, Perin, C, Morais, L, Aigner, W, Kosminsky, D, Boucher, M, Knudsen, S, Manataki, A, Aerts, J, Hinrichs, U, Roberts, JC & Carpendale, S 2024, 'Challenges and opportunities in data visualization education: A call to action', IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 649-660.
- Rohani, N, Rohani, B & Manataki, A 2024, 'ClickTree: a tree-based method for predicting math students’ performance based on clickstream data', Journal of Educational Data Mining, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 32-57.
- Ross, KS, Melo Czekster, C & Cornwell, RM 2024, 'Closing the loop: the “Antibiotics under our feet” project', Wikimania 2024, Katowice, Poland, 7/08/24 - 10/08/24.
- Okeefe, BJ, Resmini, A, Flint, T, Carter, ARL, Mastermaker, M, Chirico, A, Lindenfalk, B & Sturdee, M 2024, Designing blended experiences workshop: pedagogies across digital and physical spaces. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA Le Dantec (eds), DIS '24 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 429-432.
- Ardati, AA, Miguel, AR & Voss, A 2024, 'Designing for care in the Wikipedia community', Paper presented at Participatory Design Conference 2024, Sarawak, Malaysia, 12/08/24 - 16/08/24.
- Balasubramaniam, D 2024, 'Digital inclusion in later life', British Society of Gerontology Scotland - Relaunch Event, Stirling, United Kingdom, 26/09/24.
- Sturdee, M, Genç, HU & Wanick, V 2024, 'Diversifying knowledge production in HCI: exploring materiality and novel formats for scholarly expression', Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI'24), Cork, Ireland, 11/02/24 - 14/02/24.
- Rohani, N, Gallagher, M, Gal, K & Manataki, A 2024, 'Education challenges among early career researchers in medical informatics', Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 316, pp. 1510-1514.
- Ardati, AA 2024, 'Enhancing Online Volunteer Translation: Lessons Learned from the Arabic Wikipedia', Wikimania 2024, Katowice, Poland, 7/08/24 - 10/08/24. <>
- Waseem, K, Sturdee, M, Wang, Z, Lewis, RA, Tonelli, M & Carpendale, S 2024, Exploring using personalised comics for healthcare communication for patients living with hemodialysis. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA Le Dantec (eds), DIS '24 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 859-873.
- Palmer, J, Manataki, A, Moss, L, Neilson, A & Lo, T-YM 2024, 'Feasibility of forecasting future critical care bed availability using bed management data', BMJ Health & Care Informatics, vol. 31, no. 1, e101096.
- Li, PH & Balasubramaniam, D 2024, Highlighting ethical dilemmas in software development: a tool to support ethical training and deliberation (Extended Abstract). in M Arias-Oliva, J Pelegrín-Borondo, K Murata, AM Lara Palma & M Ollé Sesé (eds), Smart Ethics in the Digital World: Proceedings of the ETHICOMP 2024. 21st International Conference on the Ethical and Social Impacts of ICT., 9326112, Universidad de La Rioja, Logroño, pp. 117-121, ETHICOMP 2024, Logroño, Spain, 13/03/24. <>
- Rohani, N, Sowa, S & Manataki, A 2024, 'Identifying learning preferences and strategies in health data science courses: Systematic review', JMIR Medical Education, vol. 10, e50667.,
- Farag, Y, Narra, G, Balasubramaniam, D & Boyd, KM 2024, Improving the digital literacy and social participation of older adults: an inclusive platform that fosters intergenerational learning. in M Mulvenna, ML Perez & M Ziefle (eds), Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE 2024). International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health (ICT4AWE), SciTePress, pp. 47-58, 10th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health, Angers, France, 28/04/24.
- Matviienko, A, Boot, M, Loecken, A, Pfleging, B, Loechtefeld, M, von Sawitzky, T, Savino, G-L, Sturdee, M, Anders, J, Boyer, KE, Brewster, S & Mueller, FF 2024, Learning from cycling: discovering lessons learned from CyclingHCI. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 480, ACM.
- Myles, C, Um, IH, Harrison, DJ & Harris-Birtill, DCC 2024, Leveraging foundation models for enhanced detection of colorectal cancer biomarkers in small datasets. in MH Yap, C Kendrick, A Behera, T Cootes & R Zwiggelaar (eds), Medical image understanding and analysis: 28th annual conference, MIUA 2024, Manchester, UK, July 24–26, 2024, proceedings, part I. Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 14859, Springer, Cham, pp. 329-343, Medical Image Understanding and Analysis: 28th Annual Event, Manchester, United Kingdom, 24/07/24.
- Flint, T, O'Keefe, B, Mastermaker, M, Sturdee, M & Benyon, D 2024, 'Narratives of blended experience', Interacting with Computers, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 126-140.
- Ross, KS, Ardati, AA, Cranston, M, Ng, P, Olaleye, M, Shaw, J, Thomas, S, Young, G & Zhang, Y 2024, 'New money for old rope: repurposing open knowledge from Wikidata', Wikimania 2024, Katowice, Poland, 7/08/24 - 10/08/24.
- Rohani, N, Gal, K, Gallagher, M & Manataki, A 2024, 'Providing insights into health data science education through artificial intelligence', BMC Medical Education, vol. 24, no. 1, 564.
- Pirzada, P, Wilde, A & Harris-Birtill, DCC 2024, 'Remote photoplethysmography for heart rate and blood oxygenation measurement: a review', IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 24, no. 15, 10552193.
- Rohani, N, Gallagher, M, Gal, K, Banas, K & Manataki, A 2024, 'Self-reported learning strategies and preferences in health informatics', Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, vol. 316, pp. 1540-1544.
- Zhu, X, Nacenta, M, Akgun, O & Zenkovitch, D 2024, 'Solvi: a visual constraint modeling tool', Journal of Computer Languages, vol. 78, 101242.
- Kirkwood, JR, Dickson, J, Stevens, M, Manataki, A, Lindsay, RS, Wake, DJ & Reynolds, RM 2024, 'The user-centered design of a clinical dashboard and patient-facing app for gestational diabetes', Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, vol. OnlineFirst.
- Sturdee, M & Lewis, M 2024, To sketching, and beyond! A course of discovery with pen and paper. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts Of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 605, ACM.
- Lewis, M, Sturdee, M, Lengyel, D, Toselli, M, Miers, J, Owen, V, Davis, JU, Gaudl, SE, Xiao, L, Priego, E, Snooks, K, Turmo Vidal, L, Blevis, E, Privato, N, Piedade, P, Ford, C, Bryan-Kinns, N, Severes, B, Kaipainen, K, Claisse, C, Huq, RM, Eladhari, MP, Troisi, A, Henriques, AO, Grek, A, Mcmurchy, G, Lc, R, Nabil, S, Jardine, J, Collins, R, Vlasov, A, Knight, Y, Cremaschi, M, Carderelli-Gronau, S, Núñez-Pacheco, C, Reyes-Cruz, G & Riviere, J-P 2024, Traveling arts x HCI sketchbook: exploring the intersection between artistic expression and human-computer interaction. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts Of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 568, ACM.
- Sado, K, Keenan, K, Manataki, A, Kesby, M, Mushi, MF, Mshana, SE, Mwanga, JR, Neema, S, Asiimwe, B, Bazira, J, Kiiru, J, Green, DL, Ke, X, Maldonado-Barragán, A, Abed Al Ahad, M, Fredricks, KJ, Gillespie, SH, Sabiiti, W, Mmbaga, BT, Kibiki, G, Aanensen, D, Smith, VA, Sandeman, A, Sloan, DJ, Holden, MTG & Consortium, OBOHATUA 2024, 'Treatment seeking behaviours, antibiotic use and relationships to multi-drug resistance: a study of urinary tract infection patients in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda', PLOS Global Public Health, vol. 4, no. 2, e0002709.
- Cornwell, RM, Ross, KS, Gibeily, C, Guthrie, I, Li, PH, Seeley, LT, Kong, Y, True, A, Barnes, A, Nimmo, E, Len, G, Oprea, I, Lin, B, Sasi, A, Chu, V, Davidson, C, Ulasavets, D, Renouf-Bilanski, G, Dmitrieva, M, Leung, Y, Ye, Z, Brown, S, Vaidya, M, Hynes, J, Mullner, C, Agarwal, P, Johnston, P, Thorley, C & Melo Czekster, C 2024, 'Unearthing new learning opportunities: adapting and innovating through the 'Antibiotics Under Our Feet' citizen science project in Scotland during COVID-19', Access Microbiology, vol. 6, no. 6, acmi000710.v3.,,
- Fell, C, Sindermann, L, Forstner, A, Lynch, A, Harris-Birtill, D & Paracchini, S 2024, 'Using machine learning to find brain correlates of genetic risk for mental health conditions', European Journal of Human Genetics, vol. 32, pp. 652-652.
- Guo, Z, Arandelovic, O, Reid, D & Lei, Y 2023, 'A Siamese transformer network for zero-shot ancient coin classification', Journal of Imaging, vol. 9, no. 6, 107.
- Jaamour, A, Myles, C, Patel, A, Chen, S-J, McMillan, L & Harris-Birtill, D 2023, 'A divide and conquer approach to maximise deep learning mammography classification accuracies', PLoS ONE, vol. 18, no. 5, e0280841.
- Vaswani, M, Balasubramaniam, D & Boyd, KM 2023, A novel approach to improving the digital literacy of older adults. in 2023 IEEE/ACM 45th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society (ICSE-SEIS)., 10173914, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Society, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 169-174, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Software Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 14/05/23.
- Inuwa-Dutse, I, Toniolo, A, Weller, A & Bhatt, U 2023, 'Algorithmic loafing and mitigation strategies in Human-AI teams', Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, vol. 1, no. 2, 100024.
- Bell, S, Blackwood, JD, Fell, C, Mohammadi, M, Morrison, D, Harris-Birtill, D & Bryson, G 2023, 'An overview of artificial intelligence applications for next-generation gynaecological pathology', Diagnostic Histopathology, vol. 29, no. 10, pp. 442-449.
- Cornwell, RM, Melo Czekster, C, Gibeily, C, Ionescu, D, Harper, S, Kennedy, M, Sutherland, EJ, Simpson, MC, Easton, E, Vaughan, R, Jones, CE, Lynch, R, Yong, E, Athukoralage, JS, Hogrel, G, Zickuhr, GM, Hynes, J, Williams, R-J, Ross, KS, Kruger, L, Woods, RE, St Agatha's RC Primary School, Aberdour School, Getting Better Together Shotts, 8th Fife (St Andrews) Cub Scouts, St Andrews Botanic Garden, Nuffield Research Placements, Thornton Primary School & Greyfriars Primary School, St Andrews 2023, Antibiotics under our feet. Antibiotics under our feet.
- Qi, X, Lei, Y, He, S & Cheng, S 2023, Awayvirus: a playful and tangible approach to improve children's hygiene habits in family education. in JA Nocera, MK Lárusdóttir, H Petrie, A Piccinno & M Winckler (eds), Human-computer interaction – INTERACT 2023: 19th IFIP TC13 international conference, York, UK, August 28 – September 1, 2023, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14143, Springer, Cham, pp. 193–202, IFIP TC13 International Conference (INTERACT 2023), York, United Kingdom, 28/08/23.
- Abdelwahed, M, Espasa Arxer, J, Toniolo, A & Gent, IP 2023, 'Bridging the gap between structural and semantic similarity in diverse planning', Paper presented at The International Workshop on Human-Aware and Explainable Planning, 10/07/23. <>
- Rossi, V, Ardati, AA, Banat, M, El Enany, N, Darby, F, Hughes, S & Espinoza-Ramos, G 2023, Choice, voice and authentic. in V Rossi (ed.), Inclusive learning design in higher education: a practical guide to creating equitable learning experiences. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 237-260.
- Macfadyen, C, Duraiswamy, A & Harris-Birtill, D 2023, 'Classification of hyper-scale multimodal imaging datasets', PLOS Digital Health, vol. 2, no. 12, e0000191.
- Birnie, I, Essex, J & Ross, K 2023, Culturally responsive science outreach. Chemistry in Action. <>
- Fell, C, Mohammadi, M, Morrison, D, Arandjelović, O, Syed, S, Konanahalli, P, Bell, S, Bryson, G, Harrison, DJ & Harris-Birtill, D 2023, 'Detection of malignancy in whole slide images of endometrial cancer biopsies using artificial intelligence', PLoS ONE, vol. 18, no. 3, e0282577.
- Rohani, N, Gal, K, Gallagher, M & Manataki, A 2023, Discovering students’ learning strategies in a visual programming MOOC through process mining techniques. in M Montali, A Senderovich & M Weidlich (eds), Process mining workshops: ICPM 2022 international workshops, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, October 23–28, 2022, revised selected papers. Lecture notes in business information processing, vol. 468, Springer Science and Business Media B.V., Cham, pp. 539-551, 1st International Workshop “Education meets Process Mining" (EduPM 2022), part of the International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM 2022), Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, 24/10/22.
- Lei, Y, Wang, Y, Caslin, T, Wisowaty, A, Zhu, X, Khamis, M & Ye, J 2023, 'DynamicRead: exploring robust gaze interaction methods for reading on handheld mobile devices under dynamic conditions', Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, vol. 7, no. ETRA, 158.
- Rohani, N, Gal, K, Gallagher, M & Manataki, A 2023, Early prediction of student performance in a health data science MOOC. in M Feng, T Käser & P Talukdar (eds), Proceedings of the 16th international conference on educational data mining (EDM 2023). International Educational Data Mining Society, Online, pp. 325–333, International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM 2023), Bengaluru, India, 11/07/23.
- Sturdee, M, Kara, H & Alexander, J 2023, Exploring co-located interactions with a shape-changing bar chart. in A Schmidt, K Väänänen, T Goyal, PO Kristensson, A Peters, S Mueller, JR Williamson & ML Wilson (eds), CHI '23: proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 690, ACM, New York, NY, CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, 23/04/23.
- Dingli, A, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Alexiei Dingli. Figshare.
- Weijmans, A-M, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Anne-Marie Weijmans. Figshare.
- Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Aryanne Finnie. Figshare.
- McAndrew, C, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Calum McAndrew. Figshare.
- Martin, C, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Charlotte Martin. Figshare.
- McKinnon, C, McMorland, J, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Conor McKinnon and Jade McMorland. Figshare.
- Der Weduwen, DJ, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Dagmar der Weduwen. Figshare.
- Sutherland, EJ, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Emma Jay Sutherland. Figshare.
- Fotheringham, F, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Francesca Fotheringham. Figshare.
- Rae, H, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Henry Rae. Figshare.
- Essex, J, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Jane Essex. Figshare.
- Güven, J, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Jasmin Güven. Figshare.
- Shelton, J, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Jennifer Shelton. Figshare.
- Gawrylowicz, J, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Julie Gawrylowicz. Figshare.
- Ross, K, Hay, R & Hamilton, I 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Kirsty Ross. Figshare.
- Woolford, L, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Lana Woolford. Figshare.
- Evans, L, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Lauren Evans. Figshare.
- Mathieson, L, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Layla Mathieson. Figshare.
- Cole, MC, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Mari Cole. Figshare.
- Ferreira Monteiro, M, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Maria Ferreira Monteiro. Figshare.
- Stewart, M, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Mhairi Stewart. Figshare.
- Onchuru, R, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Rachel Onchuru. Figshare.
- Cornwell, RM, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Rebecca Cornwell. Figshare.
- Wade, R, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Rebecca Wade. Figshare.
- Nagar, S, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Shipra Nagar. Figshare.
- Ouyang, Y, Hay, R, Hamilton, I & Ross, K 2023, Fortissat Science Alliance podcast: Yingwei Ouyang. Figshare.
- Toniolo, A, Cerutti, F, Norman, TJ, Oren, N, Allen, JA, Srivastava, M & Sullivan, P 2023, 'Human-machine collaboration in intelligence analysis: an expert evaluation', Intelligent Systems with Applications, vol. 17, 200151.
- Lewis, M, Sturdee, M, Davis, JU, Gamboa, M, Alaoui, SF, Ohlenschlager, CE, Gaver, W, Blevis, E & Loke, L 2023, Is it art, is it HCI? Exploring tensions between practice and research. in A Schmidt, K Väänänen, T Goyal, PO Kristensson & A Peters (eds), CHI EA '23: extended abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 525, ACM, New York, NY, CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, 23/04/23.
- Brown, LR, Boyd, KM, Dhasmana, DJ, Sullivan, F & van Beusekom, MM 2023, 'O.34.2 - Working collaboratively to design an instructional video for an at home blood sample collection kit: Presenter(s): Lynsey Brown, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom', Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 109, no. Supplement, pp. 136.
- Parker, H, Shafi, A & Ross, K 2023 'OPTIMA Case Study 4: Scotland Pilot of The Brilliant Club' Figshare, Online, pp. 1-3.
- Sturdee, M, Ivory, M, Ellis, D, Stacey, P & Ralph, P 2023, Personality traits in game development. in M Staron, C Berger, J Simmonds & R Prikladnicki (eds), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '23). ACM, pp. 221–230, International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2023), Oulu, Finland, 13/06/23.
- Vancisin, T, Clarke, L, Orr, M & Hinrichs, U 2023, 'Provenance visualization: tracing people, processes, and practices through a data-driven approach to provenance', Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, vol. 38, no. 3, fqad020, pp. 1322-1339.
- Ross, KS & Hoskins, C 2023, Quilts 4 cancer: quilting the chemical sciences for pancreatic cancer patients. in O Varsou (ed.), Teaching, research, innovation and public engagement. New paradigms in healthcare (NPH), Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 167-178.
- Connor, R, Dearle, A, Morrison, D & Chávez, E 2023, Similarity search with multiple-object queries. in O Pedreira & V Estivill-Castro (eds), Similarity Search and Applications: 16th International Conference, SISAP 2023, A Coruña, Spain, October 9–11, 2023, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), vol. 14289 LNCS, Springer, Cham, pp. 223-237, 16th International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications, SISAP 2023, Coruna, Spain, 9/10/23.
- Lupafya, C & Balasubramaniam, D 2022, A framework for considering uncertainty in software systems. in HV Leong, SS Sarvestani, Y Teranishi, A Cuzzocrea, H Kashiwazaki, D Towey, J-J Yang & H Shahriar (eds), Proceedings - 2022 IEEE 46th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference (COMPSAC)., 9842720, Proceedings - International Computer Software & Applications Conference, IEEE Computer Society, Computers, Software & Applications in an Uncertain World (COMPSAC 2022), 27/06/22.
- Morrison, D & Harris-Birtill, DCC 2022, Anonymising pathology data using generative adversarial networks. in JE Tomaszewski, AD Ward & RM (eds), Medical imaging 2022: digital and computational pathology., 1203917, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 12039, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, SPIE Medical Imaging 2022, San Diego, California, United States, 20/02/22.
- Weerasinghe, AM, Quigley, AJ, Copic Pucihar, K, Toniolo, A, Miguel, AR & Kljun, M 2022, 'Arigatō: effects of adaptive guidance on engagement and performances in augmented reality learning environments', IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 28, no. 11, pp. 3737 - 3747.
- Pirzada, P, Morrison, D, Doherty, GH, Dhasmana, DJ & Harris-Birtill, DCC 2022, 'Automated Remote Pulse Oximetry System (ARPOS)', Sensors, vol. 21, no. 13, 4974.
- James, I, Stone, CL & Toniolo, A 2022, Debated backpropagation. in A Pakrashi, E Rushe, MHZ Bazargani & B Mac Namee (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science 2021: The 29th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science 2021 Dublin, Republic of Ireland, December 9-10, 2021. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 260-271, 29th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science , Dublin, Ireland, 9/12/19. <>
- Pirzada, P, Wilde, A, Doherty, GH & Harris-Birtill, D 2022, 'Ethics and acceptance of smart homes for older adults', Informatics for Health and Social Care, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 10-37.
- Weerasinghe, AM, Copic Pucihar, K, Ducasse, J, Quigley, AJ, Toniolo, A, Miguel, A, Caluya, N & Kljun, M 2022, 'Exploring the future building: representational effect on projecting oneself into the future office space', Virtual Reality, vol. First Online.
- Mitchell, AC, Balasubramaniam, D & Fletcher, J 2022, Incorporating ethics in software engineering: challenges and opportunities. in 2022 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC)., 10043326, Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC), IEEE Computer Society, pp. 90-98, 29th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, 6/12/22.
- Macagno, F & Toniolo, A 2022, 'Introduction to the Special Issue. Douglas Walton and his contribution to argumentation theory', Informal Logic, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 1-23.
- Senior, TJ, Metcalfe, T, McClean, S, Wilson, A, Bowen, S, Ailes, M & McGregor, E 2022, 'Medievals and Moderns in Conversation: Co-Designing Creative Futures for Under-Used Historic Churches in Rural Communities', Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 6, no. 5, 40.