Miriam Sturdee
Recent Publications
- Okeefe, BJ, Resmini, A, Flint, T, Carter, ARL, Mastermaker, M, Chirico, A, Lindenfalk, B & Sturdee, M 2024, Designing blended experiences workshop: pedagogies across digital and physical spaces. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA Le Dantec (eds), DIS '24 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 429-432. https://doi.org/10.1145/3656156.3658404
- Sturdee, M, Genç, HU & Wanick, V 2024, 'Diversifying knowledge production in HCI: exploring materiality and novel formats for scholarly expression', Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI'24), Cork, Ireland, 11/02/24 - 14/02/24. https://doi.org/10.1145/3623509.3634743
- Waseem, K, Sturdee, M, Wang, Z, Lewis, RA, Tonelli, M & Carpendale, S 2024, Exploring using personalised comics for healthcare communication for patients living with hemodialysis. in A Vallgårda, L Jönsson, J Fritsch, SF Alaoui & CA Le Dantec (eds), DIS '24 Companion: Companion Publication of the 2024 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference. ACM, New York, NY, pp. 859-873. https://doi.org/10.1145/3643834.3661506
- Matviienko, A, Boot, M, Loecken, A, Pfleging, B, Loechtefeld, M, von Sawitzky, T, Savino, G-L, Sturdee, M, Anders, J, Boyer, KE, Brewster, S & Mueller, FF 2024, Learning from cycling: discovering lessons learned from CyclingHCI. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 480, ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3636291
- Flint, T, O'Keefe, B, Mastermaker, M, Sturdee, M & Benyon, D 2024, 'Narratives of blended experience', Interacting with Computers, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 126-140. https://doi.org/10.1093/iwc/iwae010
- Sturdee, M & Lewis, M 2024, To sketching, and beyond! A course of discovery with pen and paper. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts Of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 605, ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3636266
- Lewis, M, Sturdee, M, Lengyel, D, Toselli, M, Miers, J, Owen, V, Davis, JU, Gaudl, SE, Xiao, L, Priego, E, Snooks, K, Turmo Vidal, L, Blevis, E, Privato, N, Piedade, P, Ford, C, Bryan-Kinns, N, Severes, B, Kaipainen, K, Claisse, C, Huq, RM, Eladhari, MP, Troisi, A, Henriques, AO, Grek, A, Mcmurchy, G, Lc, R, Nabil, S, Jardine, J, Collins, R, Vlasov, A, Knight, Y, Cremaschi, M, Carderelli-Gronau, S, Núñez-Pacheco, C, Reyes-Cruz, G & Riviere, J-P 2024, Traveling arts x HCI sketchbook: exploring the intersection between artistic expression and human-computer interaction. in FF Mueller, P Kyburz, JR Williamson & C Sas (eds), Extended abstracts Of the 2024 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems, CHI EA 2024., 568, ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/3613905.3644069
- Sturdee, M, Kara, H & Alexander, J 2023, Exploring co-located interactions with a shape-changing bar chart. in A Schmidt, K Väänänen, T Goyal, PO Kristensson, A Peters, S Mueller, JR Williamson & ML Wilson (eds), CHI '23: proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 690, ACM, New York, NY, CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, 23/04/23. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544548.3581214
- Lewis, M, Sturdee, M, Davis, JU, Gamboa, M, Alaoui, SF, Ohlenschlager, CE, Gaver, W, Blevis, E & Loke, L 2023, Is it art, is it HCI? Exploring tensions between practice and research. in A Schmidt, K Väänänen, T Goyal, PO Kristensson & A Peters (eds), CHI EA '23: extended abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems., 525, ACM, New York, NY, CHI '23, Hamburg, Germany, 23/04/23. https://doi.org/10.1145/3544549.3583744
- Sturdee, M, Ivory, M, Ellis, D, Stacey, P & Ralph, P 2023, Personality traits in game development. in M Staron, C Berger, J Simmonds & R Prikladnicki (eds), Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE '23). ACM, pp. 221–230, International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2023), Oulu, Finland, 13/06/23. https://doi.org/10.1145/3530019.3530042