Thomas Nicholson

Thomas Nicholson
Thomas Nicholson was an summer intern, research assistant and honours student in SACHI while studying towards a BSc in Computer Science at the University of Andrews after returning to higher education following time out living in China working as an English teacher. In the summer of 2011 he worked on a research internship investigating how the
Microsoft Kinnect’s multi-sensor input can be used for the intelligent interaction of man and machine. The research focused on using the Kinnect’s multi-modal input for user identification, taking cues from facial features, voice patterns and gait information to perform of multi-faceted search of recognised users. To conduct this research project Thomas was awarded a prestigious University of St Andrews undergraduate research internship award and worked with
Professor Quigley during the summer and into his final year honours project. Following this he worked on an industry funded project as an RA here and on a project with Aaron and Per Ola which resulted in an IUI 2012 research paper.