Helping People Relocate
Rabab Khoury, 2014
Supervisor – Miguel Nacenta
Helping People Relocate: A Mobile Application Design and Implementation
This project focuses on designing a solution that allows couples to manage their relocation, and enables them to relax during this stressful period. The User Experience design lifecycle was the main driver of the design process, acquiring the first iteration of design through four main stages. An understanding of relocation was attained through research and contextual inquiry; interviewing people who experienced this phenomenon, the acquired information was used to extract interaction requirements for the design. Based on that an application design was generated, producing various fidelity sketches and mock-ups. The design outcome was reproduced, developing an Android application. With an interactive application, usability evaluation was conducted, identifying violations and generating recommendations for the next design iteration.
The project took place in collaboration with Cigna´s offices in Glasgow (>).