St Andrews HCI Research Group


New TEI Paper to be presented in Kingston

A new paper from SACHI in collaboration with the Interactions Lab (The HapticTouch Toolkit: Enabling Exploration of Haptic Interactions) will be presented at this year’s TEI conference (#tei2012, The paper describes work on an API to facilitate the fast programming of haptic tabletop application prototypes.

Psychology-Computer Science Scholarships for St Andrews Students

The EPSRC and the University of St Andrews, through their Strategic Partner Projects have awarded funding for an interdisciplinary program that will allow four students and several researchers from both the School of Computer Science and the School of Psychology to work on advanced perception and human-interface related projects. If you are still interested, please check this document: Further_information_PSYCSS_scholarship_0.2
The scholarships are designed to kick start research collaboration between the two Schools and to enrich the student’s backgrounds with multidisciplinary collaboration experience.

Awards for SACHI papers


Some examples of Small Multiples Visualizations

Two papers with SACHI authors have been recently highlighted for their value.
Our own Aaron Quigley, in colaboration with Michael Farrugia (first author) and Neil Hurley presented the paper: Exploring temporal ego networks using small multiples and tree-ring layouts, which has won the best paper award at ACHI.
UbiCursor projects a low-resolution image of the cursor anywhere in the room.

Simultaneously, on the Canadian side, Miguel Nacenta co-authors (with Robert Xiao -first author-, Regan Mandryk, Andy Cockburn and Carl Gutwin) the paper: Ubicursor: A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Pointing Feedback in Multi-Display Environments, which has won the Michael A. J. Sweeney Award at this year’s Graphics Interface conference. The paper’s success is also reported in Canada’s Surfnet Newsletter, and will be presented next week.