St Andrews HCI Research Group

Eye Movement and Eye-tracking Workshop

Eye movement and eye tracking workshop
Date: Monday 23 April, 1-2 pm & Tuesday  24 April, 1-2 pm
Location: Goldfish bowl, John Honey Building (TBC)
Humans make several eye movements per second, determining ultimately our perception. As such, the study of eye movements provides valuable insights into psychological and cognitive function in a number of real-world tasks, including reading and human-computer interaction.
This workshop, split across two days, will deal with eye movements and eye tracking.
Workshop 1 (Monday, April 23rd) concerns the basics of eye movements, including different types of eye movements and their properties (saccades, vergence, etc.), different methods of recordings eye movement and the psychological relevance of eye movements in the real world.
In workshop 2 (Tuesday, April 24th), we will discuss the practicalities of eye tracking with the EyeLink infrared eye tracking system, including best practices. The second focus of this session will be on the analysis of eye movements and pertinent issues with it.
The workshop will be of interest to psychology and CS researchers interested in eye movements.