Miguel Nacenta, John Brosz, Richard Pusch, Sheelagh Carpendale, Christophe Hurter
Transmogrifiers are a graphic interface technique created by John Brosz, Miguel Nacenta, Richard Pusch, Sheelagh Carpendale and Christophe Hurter.
A transmogrifier is a novel interface that enables quick, on-the-fly graphic transformations. A region of a graphic can be specified by a shape and transformed into a destination shape with real-time, visual feedback. Both origin and destination shapes can be circles, quadrilaterals or arbitrary shapes defined through touch. Transmogrifiers are flexible, fast and simple to create and invite use in casual InfoVis scenarios, opening the door to alternative ways of exploring and displaying existing visualizations (e.g., rectifying routes or rivers in maps), and enabling free-form prototyping of new visualizations (e.g., lenses).
Brosz, J , Nacenta, M , Pusch, R, Carpendale, S & Hurter, C 2013, ‘ Transmogrification: casual manipulation of visualizations ‘. in Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology: UIST ’13. ACM Press – Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, pp. 97-106.

Using transmogrifiers to compare river lengths.

Swapping between polar and rectilinear co-ordinates

Transmogrifiers at UIST.