St Andrews HCI Research Group


Large Augmented Digital Displays for Interactive Experiences of Historic Sites.
The need to provide “layered accessible interpretation” and to “record and feed back information on visits” has given rise to our promising idea is to research and develop LADDIE, an interactive display with interactive, multi-lingual, spatially connected, and temporally situated content for visitors. In this project we can quickly build on our research and industrial experience with situated, public, multi-touch, adaptive and augmented reality user interfaces. LADDIE will allow us to deliver layered accessible interpretation while at the same time, through the use of gaming, gather richer information on visits, interests and visitor intent. By basing LADDIE on the iSign from ADS Ltd we can use it to promote and distribute our apps or allow interaction via QR with mobile devices. As a platform for interactive experiences it is robust, weatherproof, sunlight readable, hi-res and reflective bistable for ultra-low power.