Miguel Nacenta

Miguel Nacenta – photo by Callum Hyland, License: CC-BY-SA.
Personal web page: nacenta.com
Dr. Miguel Nacenta was a University of St Andrews lecturer form 2011 to 2019. During this period, he cofounded the SACHI group. Prior to this he was a post-doctoral fellow at the Interactions Lab, University of Calgary, Canada. He holds an electrical engineering degree from the Technical University of Madrid (Ingeniero Superior, UPM), and a doctorate from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, under the supervision of Prof. Carl Gutwin.
Miguel’s research interests are focused on developing input and output technology that can extend human capabilities. He is interested in applying perceptual and social principles to novel multi-display, multi-touch, multi-modal, and haptic interfaces. He is also interested in perception. For more information see his full website, visit his blog, follow him on twitter @miguelnacenta.
If you are a student interested in human-computer interaction and you are looking for an honors project, an internship, or a Masters or PhD, send me an e-mail: mans at st-andrews dot ac dot uk.